Cypress emits a series of events as it runs in your browser.
These events are useful not only to control your application's behavior, but
also for debugging purposes.
Here are some examples you can do with these events:
- Listen for
uncaught exceptions
and prevent Cypress from failing the test
- Listen for
or confirm
calls and change the confirm
- Listen for
events and modify the window
before any of
your app code runs between page transitions
- Listen for
events to understand why Cypress is internally
retrying for debugging purposes
Event Types
App Events
These events come from the application currently under test (your application).
These are the most useful events for you to listen to.
Event | Details |
Name: | uncaught:exception |
Yields: | the error (Object), Mocha runnable (Object) |
Description: | Fires when an uncaught exception occurs in your application. Cypress will fail the test when this fires. Return false from this event and Cypress will not fail the test. Also useful for debugging purposes because the actual error instance is provided to you. See our recipe Handling errors. |
Event | Details |
Name: | window:confirm |
Yields: | the confirmation text (String) |
Description: | Fires when your app calls the global window.confirm() method. Cypress will auto accept confirmations. Return false from this event and the confirmation will be canceled. |
Event | Details |
Name: | window:alert |
Yields: | the alert text (String) |
Description: | Fires when your app calls the global window.alert() method. Cypress will auto accept alerts. You cannot change this behavior. |
Event | Details |
Name: | window:before:load |
Yields: | the remote window (Object) |
Description: | Fires as the page begins to load, but before any of your applications JavaScript has executed. This fires at the exact same time as cy.visit() onBeforeLoad callback. Useful to modify the window on a page transition. |
Event | Details |
Name: | window:load |
Yields: | the remote window (Object) |
Description: | Fires after all your resources have finished loading after a page transition. This fires at the exact same time as a cy.visit() onLoad callback. |
Event | Details |
Name: | window:before:unload |
Yields: | the actual beforeunload event (Object) |
Description: | Fires when your application is about to navigate away. The real event object is provided to you. Your app may have set a returnValue on the event, which is useful to assert on. |
Event | Details |
Name: | window:unload |
Yields: | the actual unload event (Object) |
Description: | Fires when your application has unloaded and is navigating away. The real event object is provided to you. This event is not cancelable. |
Event | Details |
Name: | url:changed |
Yields: | the new url (String) |
Description: | Fires whenever Cypress detects that your application's URL has changed. |
Cypress Events
These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state.
These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
Event | Details |
Name: | fail |
Yields: | the error (Object), Mocha runnable (Object) |
Description: | Fires when the test has failed. Binding to this event without rethrowing the error will prevent the test from failing. However this is strongly discouraged. Tests should never legitimately fail. This event exists because it's extremely useful for debugging purposes. See our recipe Handling errors. |
Event | Details |
Name: | viewport:changed |
Yields: | the new viewport (Object) |
Description: | Fires whenever the viewport changes via a cy.viewport() or naturally when Cypress resets the viewport to the default between tests. Useful for debugging purposes. |
Event | Details |
Name: | scrolled |
Yields: | the element or window being scrolled (Object) |
Description: | Fires whenever Cypress is scrolling your application. This event is fired when Cypress is waiting for and calculating actionability. It will scroll to 'uncover' elements currently being covered. This event is extremely useful to debug why Cypress may think an element is not interactive. |
Event | Details |
Name: | command:enqueued |
Yields: | command properties and arguments (Object) |
Description: | Fires when a cy command is first invoked and enqueued to be run later. Useful for debugging purposes if you're confused about the order in which commands will execute. |
Event | Details |
Name: | command:start |
Yields: | command instance (Object) |
Description: | Fires when cy begins actually running and executing your command. Useful for debugging and understanding how the command queue is async. |
Event | Details |
Name: | command:end |
Yields: | command instance (Object) |
Description: | Fires when cy finishes running and executing your command. Useful for debugging and understanding how commands are handled. |
Event | Details |
Name: | command:retry |
Yields: | retry options (Object) |
Description: | Fires whenever a command begins its retrying routines. This is called on the trailing edge after Cypress has internally waited for the retry interval. Useful to understand why a command is retrying, and generally includes the actual error causing the retry to happen. When commands fail the final error is the one that actually bubbles up to fail the test. This event is essentially to debug why Cypress is failing. |
Event | Details |
Name: | log:added |
Yields: | log attributes (Object), whether Cypress is in interactive mode (running via cypress open ) (Boolean) |
Description: | Fires whenever a command emits this event so it can be displayed in the Command Log. Useful to see how internal cypress commands utilize the Cypress.log() API. |
Event | Details |
Name: | log:changed |
Yields: | log attributes (Object), whether Cypress is in interactive mode (running via cypress open ) (Boolean) |
Description: | Fires whenever a command's attributes changes. This event is debounced to prevent it from firing too quickly and too often. Useful to see how internal cypress commands utilize the Cypress.log() API. |
Event | Details |
Name: | test:before:run |
Yields: | test attributes (Object), runnable instance (Object) |
Description: | Fires before the test and all before and beforeEach hooks run. |
Event | Details |
Name: | test:after:run |
Yields: | test attributes (Object), runnable instance (Object) |
Description: | Fires after the test and all afterEach and after hooks run. |
Other Events
There are a myriad of other events Cypress fires to communicate with the Node
server process, automation servers, mocha, the runner, and the reporter. They
are strictly internal to the way Cypress works and not useful for users.
Binding to Events
Both the global Cypress
and cy
objects are standard Node event emitters.
That means you can use the following methods to bind and unbind from events.
It's important to understand why you'd want to bind to either Cypress
or cy
Cypress is a global object that persists for the entirety of all of your tests.
Any events you bind to Cypress will apply to all tests, and will not be unbound
unless you manually unbind them.
This is useful when you're debugging and want to add a single "catch-all" event
to track down things like test failures, or uncaught exceptions from your
The cy
object is bound to each individual test. Events bound to cy
automatically be removed when the test ends. You don't have to worry about
cleanup, and your event listeners will only be called for the duration of the
single test.
Uncaught Exceptions
To turn off all uncaught exception handling
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
return false
To conditionally turn off uncaught exception handling for a certain error
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
if (err.message.includes('list not defined')) {
return false
To conditionally turn off uncaught exception handling unhandled promise rejections
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable, promise) => {
if (promise) {
return false
To catch a single uncaught exception
it('is doing something very important', (done) => {
cy.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
expect(err.message).to.include('something about the error')
return false
Catching Test Failures
Debug the moment a test fails
Cypress.on('fail', (error, runnable) => {
throw error
it('calls the "fail" callback when this test fails', () => {
Cypress Metaprogramming for
more examples.
Page Navigation
Test that your application was redirected
$('button').on('click', (e) => {
window.location.href = '/some/new/link'
it('redirects to another page on click', (done) => {
cy.on('window:before:unload', (e) => {
cy.on('window:unload', (e) => {
Window Before Load
Modify your Application before it loads after page transitions
it('can modify the window prior to page load on all pages', () => {
const ga = cy.stub().as('ga')
cy.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
Object.defineProperty(win, 'ga', {
configurable: false,
get: () => ga,
set: () => {},
.then((win) => {
win.location.href = '/second/page'
Window Confirm
Control whether you accept or reject confirmations
This enables you to test how your application reacts to accepted confirmations
and rejected confirmations.
$('button').on('click', (e) => {
const one = confirm('first confirm')
if (one) {
const two = confirm('second confirm')
if (!two) {
const three = confirm('third confirm')
confirm('third confirm was ' + three)
it('can control application confirms', (done) => {
let count = 0
cy.on('window:confirm', (str) => {
count += 1
switch (count) {
case 1:
expect(str).to.eq('first confirm')
case 2:
expect(str).to.eq('second confirm')
return false
case 3:
expect(str).to.eq('third confirm')
return true
case 4:
expect(str).to.eq('third confirm was true')
it('could also use a stub instead of imperative code', () => {
const stub = cy.stub()
cy.on('window:confirm', stub)
.then(() => {
expect(stub.getCall(0))'first confirm')
expect(stub.getCall(1))'second confirm')
expect(stub.getCall(2))'third confirm')
expect(stub.getCall(3))'third confirm was true')
Window Alert
Assert on the alert text
Cypress automatically accepts alerts but you can still assert on the text
$('button').on('click', (e) => {
it('can assert on the alert text content', () => {
const stub = cy.stub()
cy.on('window:alert', stub)
.then(() => {
Logging All Events
Cypress uses the debug
node module for
both the back end server process, and for everything running in the browser
(called the driver).
If you'd like to see (the huge) stream of events that Cypress emits you can pop
open your Dev Tools and write this line in the console.
localStorage.debug = 'cypress:*'
Reload the browser and turn on 'Verbose' logs to see debug messages within the
Developer Tools console.